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Past Life Reading with Wendy

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Book a Reading with Wendy


Our souls have experienced many different life times. If you think of your soul as a car, driving through each life you tend to get a few bumps and dents.

For some people these bumps and dents weren’t panel beaten before starting this lifetime.

These dents and bumps can lead to quite serious issues for people (often a karmic life line is seen in the hand of these people) issues can be many and varied.

Some examples of this; maybe a person who repeatedly has the same relationship issues repeating with different people or chronic illness that doesn’t respond to medical treatment or remains undiagnosed (things like chronic fatigue, mental illness and skin rashes can be examples of this type past life condition)

A past life session can often reveal a lot to you and the challenges you are facing in this life. For those people seeking to increase their spiritual awareness looking at past lives can help in all sorts of ways.

Kwan Yin the goddess of mercy and compassion explains past lives as sisters.
Sisters with knowledge and wisdom that can be brought forward into this lifetime to help you

Sometimes just the knowledge of the events triggers a huge amount of healing, other times cutting the ties to the past life events can make a huge difference in your life.

Takes about 90mins via zoom 
Zoom is a fabulous medium that allows me to read for people all around the world

Book a Time 
email Wendy at thecrystalball@xtra.co.nz to arrange a time 


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